
The Customs and Taboos Tour of Inner Mongolia

Mongolian customs and taboosMongolian customs
Xinjiang, the Mongolian New Year is the biggest festival, followed by Maide'er Festival, Take En Festival, lighting section. "New Year", the Mongolian is called "check dry" or "White Festival" meaning that white is the beginning of something and the source of ancient reverence white, use it as a symbol of beauty and good fortune; "Maide'er Festival", Maide'er the Buddha, this festival is offering the first Buddha, later evolved into festivals. With strong religious overtones "Take En" section, is the meaning of sacrifice obo. The moon festival is the world Mongols worship festival of nature. As the "Take En" has changed the nature of the section, now called "Naadam" The General Assembly, "Naadam" means "entertainment" was intended.
ancestral music that according to Seoul, the "lighting festival" in Italy, festivals in the lunar October 25. Is a small religious festivals.
Recreational activities in Xinjiang Mongolian wrestling, horse racing, archery, singing, dancing, etc., followed by sheep also pull, hit Huolian and so on. "Horse racing, wrestling, archery" These three activities are not only entertainment, but also "man three art" is a Mongolian man without the ability to measure the sign.
Mongol Taboo
Avoid fire
Mongolian worship fire, Vulcan and Vesta, that fire, Vulcan, or the Kitchen God is a holy thing drive evil demon. So into the yurt, the taboo on the stove roasted leg, but not allowed to bake in the fireplace wet boots and shoes. Does not cross a stove, stoves, or pedal, not the knock on the stove pipe, breaking things, throwing dirt. Can not pick the fire with a knife, the knife into the fire, or take the meat from the pan with a knife.
Avoid water
That the water is pure Mongolian gods. Taboo in the hands or bathing in the river, but not allowed to wash the woman's dirty clothes, or things will not be put into a clean river. Prairie drought and water shortage, plants by grazing, water can not survive. So herdsmen used to conserve water, keep the water clean, and depending on water as the source of life.
Avoid disease
Herdsmen families with seriously ill or dying person, usually a rope hanging in a yurt on the left, and buried in the east end of the rope, indicating the family to heavy patients, not hospitality.
Avoid products
Mongolian women to have children when the taboo. Local customs are similar. Mongolian women to have children let outsiders into the delivery room. Generally hanging under the eaves is a clear sign.Health boy hanging bow and arrow, a girl is hanging red cloth.Guests see the signs that are no longer into the delivery room.
Avoid kicking the threshold
To the pastoralists came to visit, out of yurts, the promise never step on pedal threshold. Agricultural areas and semi-pastoral areas of the Mongols also have this taboo. In ancient times, if someone mistakenly stepping off the threshold of the Mongolian Khan Palace, he incurs death. This Taboos, has continued to the present.

